============ How to use ? ============ Import the package modules: .. code-block:: python from dhd import city, connect, evolve, load Load the geometries of the city of Vevey in Switzerland: .. code-block:: python vevey = city.City('Vevey, Switzerland', sources=Point(333795, 5147530)) streets = vevey.get_streets() sinks = vevey.select_sinks(min_load=300) sources = vevey.get_sources() Connect the selected buildings (sinks) and the source to the streets network: .. code-block:: python vertices, terminals = connect.connect_terminals(streets, sinks, sources) Run the evolutive algorithm to seek the best possible heating network within five generations: .. code-block:: python N = 5 evolution = evolve.run_evolution(vertices, terminals, N) tst = evolve.get_best_terminal_steiner_tree(vertices, terminals, evolution) Spread the buildings load over the district heating pipelines: .. code-block:: python pipelines = load.load_the_pipelines(tst, terminals) More detailed `examples `_ are provided in the GitLab repository.